
Move and talk

sal y brilla   Sal y brilla, 35 TOP

Regístrate o inicia sesión para apuntarte

Plazas libres

📅 fecha 27 sept 2018

🕐 comienza 18:30 - finaliza 21:30

🪇 Hombres y mujeres de 18 a 99 años

Organizador Nivel 2   📈 1034


🗺  ¿Dónde se hace?

En la puerta del teatro  Juan Ramón Jiménez en Telde. 

🌃  Punto de encuentro

Puerta del teatro Juan Ramón Jiménez, Telde

🔤  Información

Hi everyone, 

Hope you are feeling great. This activity will start at the theatre, next to the market from there we will go to the park and walk for about 45 minutes while walking you can speak in English/ Spanish or any language if possible with your partner. After 20 minutes,  we change partners. The last 5 minutes is for stretching. We will see how many people and native speaker turn up to create and organise the talk. Around 7.45 we will head to Oasis chill out ( a  bar in Telde) where we can join a language exchange with more natives absolutely free of charge. Please,  bear in mind that the language exchange is free but any drink or food must be paid to the bar staff. 

All levels are welcomed. Hope to see you and enjoy soon a chat with you.

You can relax, talk, order a drink or just  listen and chill out.

1. If yout think that you can't talk because your level is basic, just listen and try to make yourself understand. Don't get frustrated, just try.

2. If you can't find a specific word just describe it starting with for example...

3. If you really have had a tough day, just enjoy the day. You can stick to listening you do not need to talk.

4. Keep turns so that everyone can talk.


Thank you very much for reading all this.

✅  Apuntados

Regístrate o inicia sesión para apuntarte

📄  Comentarios

sal y brilla Hello, see you shortly in Telde. Tengo problemas con móvil, estaré a las 630 puerta del teatro tal y como marca el plan. Esperaremos sobre 5 mins. Si hay alguien que llega tarde que vaya al parque o directamente en oasis chillout ( todos los datos en facebook o google. Nosotros llegaremos de 7.45 a 8 en el bar. Recuerden que en el bar elvintercambio empieza a las 7.40. Se ruega puntualidad si van a las 6.30 Thanks see you soonyou soon. 2018-09-27 18:31:11
Lara Está en pie la actividad? 2018-09-27 13:49:03
Miguel Lopez-Madrazo I blindly recommend any activity organized by Lavina 2018-09-24 12:40:34
Mini yes, but in the comments below, you said it was delayed... my doubts came for that reason... :) 2018-09-18 12:26:04
sal y brilla Yes, this activity is going to be held on the 27th September as it is clearly mentioned. 2018-09-17 17:30:31
Mini Hi! is this activity still in progress? 2018-09-17 15:07:22
sal y brilla Hola Fermin como ves ls fecha es erronea Pone agosto no sé por qué la organicé la semana pasada por eso queda aplazada hasta siguiente aviso. Lo siento y gracias 2018-09-13 18:06:25