Amistad Vecindario  20 mar 2020 Menu usuario

Anarchy manifesto

I am not interested in talking about myself I have nothing significant to share. My only reason to exist and stay in this place is to knowledge. So I will present myself as an Eternal
Consciousness born or inserted into this matrix in a human body.... in 1968.

Possibly the most important date for me is September 11, 2001, whose unfortunate event led me to study and discover how all religions, political parties, governments, economic systems, the mass media and banks are the same company that works to feed to the entities that parasitize this prison world.

I don’t need to detail the evidences that clearly demonstrate a false flag attack, whoever is interested I am sure you will have already investigated by yourself.

The most important revolution is yet to take into action, it is a revolution of consciousness, where this reality will be deactivated if we change our way of thinking. It is that simple and easy. All living beings are Sovereign.

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